Portraits and lifestyle

The BEST family photo experience ever! The least amount of tears and tantrums. The kids did alright too. Seriously though, such a skilled professional in managing the process and the photos were spectacular.

Dr Wood


"Rebecca somehow, magically, makes the experience of having your photo taken relaxed and comfortable, even fun. And it shows in the photos. I don't think I've ever been so happy with photos of me, and I really feel she has captured the essence of my spirited kid, as well as our connection to each other. I'm thrilled with the photos."

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Victoria Vincent photographed in her Nelson studio, 2022


Jan Preston

In a career spanning more than four decades I have had multiple professional photo sessions, but none so good as those images of me captured by Rebecca McMillan. Her level of skill, lighting, attention to detail and sure-footed creativity is staggering.

In using her photos I have also never received so many positive comments from both professionals in the industry and through social media. I would highly recommend Rebecca McMillan Photography without hesitation!

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