You deserve a headshot that makes you feel great

Your social channels are getting a bit tired. You’re considering a career move but the recruiter wants your latest resume and now that needs a corporate headshot too? Your website refresh has made you realise that your professional look needs an upgrade too. I’ve been there! Or perhaps your Tinder or your Bumble profile isn’t attracting the kind of connection you deserve. And you’re busy, but you know you need some beautiful, authentic photos, in amongst the weekday mahi and the childcare responsibilities. Let me outline five very good reasons why you deserve that headshot session.

Five very good reasons to have a headshot session

  1. You’ve never had a pro photo. An iPhone or other smart phone ‘snap’ isn’t going to cut it. People will often say to me, upon hearing that I’m a photographer, ‘I hate having my photo taken’ or ‘I’m not photogenic. I’ve never had a photo of myself that I’m happy with’. When I hear that I figure they’ve just never had a professional photo taken. Trust the expert (hey, that's me!) to find your best side, your best smile, and to capture you in the best light. I’ll also do some ever so slight touch-ups that enhance what you have. You look like you’ve had a great night’s sleep. And you deserve that. 
  2. You’re worth it. YES. You’re worth a good quality photo that shows you in your best light. You deserve the time, the effort, and yes the spend, to have a great headshot of you.
  3. How you ‘present’ online says a lot online. First impressions. Branding. You want to put your best foot forward to show your professional/creative/quirky/serious/lighthearted/flirty persona online. You need to be your number one champion and you want to show your brand in its best light. You also want to stand out from the crowd; an excellent photo catches the eye and leaves a positive impression. 
  4. One photo, many uses. From one photoshoot you can expect between 6-10 photos that you can use across many channels. We can do outfit changes, mix accessories, and different backgrounds so that you have a range of looks that can work for different settings. We can even get a shot or two that you can use on your Bumble. 
  5. Professional photos in the formats you need. Portrait and landscape, wide crop or close up thumbnails. We will discuss the formats and the sizes that you need your headshots delivered in once your final selection is made. You don’t have to worry about resizing or formatting, leave that to me. 

If you’ve never had a professional headshot taken, get in touch. I can come to you with lighting and backdrop setups, or natural light on location. Get in touch and let's talk about the type of look you're going for.

Having an excellent photo on file for your LinkedIn, your Facebook business page or your dating app will make you stand out from the others. And it’s time to make that time for you, you deserve it. 

I offer studio lighting setups or natural light on location for your headshot needs.

A professionally dressed man smiles to the camera for a headshot session