I'm not in the picture, and that needs to change

I had a lovely Mother's Day. A sleep-in, breakfast in bed, cuddles and cards. But it was over lunch with long-time antenatal mum friends as photos were shared that I realised... in the last year I didn't have a single decent photo of myself with my boys. That's embarrassing right? Not only as a mum but as a photographer how did I let this happen?

My husband on the other hand has an abundance of images of him being cute, doing activities with the boys at home and around Wellington. I instinctually pick up my camera / my phone and snap away when they play. Now this post is less about blaming my husband (I mean, he's definitely to blame a little) and more a personal realisation that I need to get in the picture. Otherwise I'm going to be absent from the memories, from the records on our phones and on the camera SD cards when we look back.

I could give you all kinds of reasons to explain why I'm not in the photos. I'm never feeling ready to have my picture taken. I'm always rushing. Last year I trained and ran a marathon and I thought I would get in serious shape. I got seriously fit to run 42kms but I didn't loose a single kg of surplus weight. Will I care about that in 10 years time? No. Would I treasure having photos of me with my boys at these precious ages of three and eight? Yes, absolutely. I actually regret not booking a photographer sooner. I need to be in the picture for me, and for my boys.

Photographed by Victoria Vincent

Rebecca McMillan photographed holding baby Charlie, photo by Victoria Vincent
Rebecca and Charlie

My last professional family photo was taken in 2019 when baby Charlie really was still a baby. I shouldn't have let the time pass between great photos. And I encourage you to not leave it too long either. Be in the picture.